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UK Summit

Ardyss Is Taking Europe By Storm

Wow, today the Ardyss Rewind, Renew & Relaunch event was awesome. Ardyss truly intends to take Europe by storm. Twiler Portis was amazing delivering a powerful presentation on the Ardyss Power of 5. Michael Clouse as always the consummate professional delivered an insightful presentation on the Ardyss training system. Our new 10 step system to success. There were new products and tools launched and so much more. I am really looking forward to day two of this amazing weekend.

About The Ardyss Motivator

I am so thankful that I am open-minded. A few years ago if you had asked me if I would be in Network Marketing I would have said "No way" and would have more than likely added "MLM don't work and it's like a pyramid." I was one of those people that got caught up in one of those get-rich quick scams in the 80's. I had been burnt and known people that were burnt and consequently I clubbed anything that look or sounded similar... as a scam. My opinion was not wrong based on my perspective... I just did not have the full perspective. By that I mean I did not fully understand the MLM distribution model and such I was basing my opinion on ignorance not knowledge. Thankfully the person who introduced Ardyss to me was persistent and after a number of phone calls, he got me to a meeting. He first asked me to be open to what was being presented that evening. I entered that meeting open-minded and prepared to listen to idea that perhaps there was another and a better way for me to secure the financial freedom I was seeking. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. What I saw blew me away and after some research on the company and the MLM industry I realized that this opportunity could be a real path to financial freedom. Which in time could give me the time freedom I sought and reward me for my efforts, with no cap on what I could earn. I started my Ardyss home based business to supplement my income and to have extra money to help with my children's future and improve my life. Within three short months I achieved the rank of 'President'. A great achievement and a testament to Ardyss and MLM that someone so new can grow and achieve so much in a short time if you follow the system. I am so excited about the future and the potential that I and my team have with Ardyss. If you want to change your life and financial future, join a winning team and enjoy all things that an Ardyss life can offer.


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